Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oh how they grow...

I thought it would be a fun idea to make a list of all the things the boys are into and doing now! What a mom thing to do...I know, haha!

Aedan: He loves to count things, he counts in both english and spanish. He loves spongebob and the movie cars. He absolutely loves his little brother and plays with him all the time. His favorite toys are his aquadoodle, coloring books, his police uniform to dress up in, and his tools that Jeff Styles gave him. His favorite outdoor activities are going to the splash park, the McKennan wading pool, the park, playing with squirt guns with our neighbors little kids, and just running around in general. The biggest achievement yet has got to be that he is 100% potty trained!!! He LOVES his big boy underwear! Also he is starting pre-school in the fall! My baby is growing up!

Trenton: He has 4 teeth now! Loves to stick everything in his mouth!! UGH!! He says mom, mama, dada, shakes his head no and yes, and tries to say milk. He loves to smile and laugh. He has the same twinkle in his eye when he smiles that my dad (Terry) had. He just started walking last week, and waddles his little butt everywhere now. He ADORES Aedan, and is always trying to climb on him, play with him, and looks for his approval when he does anything. They share so well together. He loves his blankey (this little teddy bear blanket that used to be's so gross now but I don't DARE get rid of it). He now uses the sippy cup only, thank goodness that bottle is gone! Still working on having him give up his pacifier, not going so well at all.

I do believe that I have mentioned everything noteworthy for now! Keep checking back for updates though! Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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